When you embark on the task of getting your own website set up you are confronted with a lot of technical jargon you might be unfamiliar with. You know how you want your website to look, but how can you explain it to a web designer that expects you to decide on technical aspects you don’t know about?
Welcome to our third set of web design definitions you need to know! Here at Clicks and Mortar Websites we’ve come up with a small glossary that should make your journey a bit easier. We hope you find them useful!
- FAVICON: small, customizable icons (designed for your website only) that are displayed in the browser tab when a website is displayed, such as the little house on the Clicks & Mortar Websites’ site.
- GUI: a Graphic User Interface displays pictures, frames, text, videos and other elements on a website rather than the code used to build them. On an operating system such as Windows or Mac OS, the GUI allows you to see scroll bars, buttons, windows or menus as well.
- HMTL: the HyperText Markup Language is used to write the code for web pages. The content created using HTML is then laid out and styled using CSS.
- HOSTING: a hosting service stores files used needed to run a website. When you pay for a web hosting service you are purchasing storage space to run your website, the domain you’d like to have and you also get access to their internet network so the website you run from that hosting service can be online. Usually, you pay a high yearly fee to use a hosting service. With Click & Mortar Websites, your hosting fee is already included in your monthly fee!
- HTTP/HTTPS: both stand for a set of rules for transferring requests (such as the one made by a visitor trying to access a website) you make from your internet browser to the server that hosts the website you’re trying to check. The difference is how they do it. While HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) runs on a simpler set of rules and is enough for most websites, HTTPS uses SSL (Secure Socket Layer) to process those requests using an encrypted connection. This is preferred when a website needs to collect sensitive personal information from visitors, such as physical addresses or payment information.
Are you feeling more tech-savvy already? Do you want to learn more about web design definitions? Stay tuned for the next part of our glossary!