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Apr 10, 2017

What Is the Difference Between Web Design and Web Development?

Whenever you decide to have a website created for your business, you are faced with a number of technical decisions that need to be made beforehand: where to store your website, how is it going to look, where to get a particular domain and, more importantly, who is going to build it. How could you tell if this was all new to you? How is web design different from web development?

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Jun 07, 2016

Can You Keep My Website Updated?

CMW Team | Tips , Websites | | Share |

A website is as interesting as its updates. As new content keeps coming up, visitors get engaged and start coming back more often in order to get the freshest thing out of the oven. Creating content constantly, however, is time-consuming; so is updating an inventory if you’re creating an online shop. Can someone else help you keep your website up to date?

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Jan 22, 2014

Don't Marry Your Website

CMW Team | Nonprofits , Websites | | Share |

We don’t believe you should have to marry your website.  We think you should get one that you like, then, in a few years, add some upgrades, change some of the design, and get a model that is up-to-date with the latest web technologies.

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